It takes a long time to train to be a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in the UK – so you’re in safe hands. Chris went to medical school at the London Hospital Medical College, University of London. After House Officer post at the Royal London Hospital, he trained in surgery in London and Edinburgh. He was awarded Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MRCS) before starting his plastic surgery training.
Chris was awarded the prestigious Duke of Kent Research Fellowship by the Stoke Mandeville Burns and Reconstructive Surgery Research Trust (now called Restore). He spent the next two years in Oxford researching scarring and scar prevention and has presented his work at scientific and surgical meetings in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia. Chris remains an advisor to the charity Restore.
Chris received a Young Investigator Award from the Wound Care Society (Amsterdam 2002) and the Paton-Masser Memorial Prize from the British Association of Plastic Surgeons (London 2005) for his work.
In 2008 Mr Dunkin was awarded his Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from the University of London.
Chris has trained in all aspects of Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery at some of the best Plastic Surgery units, including a year as Microsurgery Fellow and Senior Registrar at the world-famous Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Unit at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia.
Chris was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Plastic Surgery FRCS(Plast) and his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). Chris Dunkin is on the GMC Specialist Register in Plastic Surgery.