Woman, 22, says surgery to correct size A and C cup breasts ‘changed her life’
Lauren Watson, 22, said her uneven boobs meant she was often teased didn’t have the confidence to wear tight clothes.
A girl with lopsided breasts has told of how the surgery to correct them “has changed her life”. Lauren Watson, 22, has such poor self-esteem because of her uneven boobs that she decided to spend nearly £7,000 on a drastic boob job.
The student borrowed the money from her grandma and says now he can wear the clothes she has always dreamed of. The £6,800 boob job has made Lauren’s confidence “sky rocket”, she said. Speaking to Gazette Live , Lauren told of how one of her boobs used to be an A cup and the other was a C cup. Doctors promised Lauren her breasts would even out but they never did and people made hurtful comments about her asymmetrical breasts when she wore tight clothing.
“It’s possibly the best thing I’ve done so far in my personal life,” said the Teeside University student.
See the full story in the Daily Mirror.
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